SLAIS Symposium - Venezuela

XI Venezuela Congress of Sexology
Love: Neurochemic, Philosophic, Sexologic and Behavioural Basis.

July 1 - 4, 2004.
Hotel Radisson Eurobuilding. Caracas, Venezuela

SLAIS Symposium
July 1

Moderator: Rubén Hernández

     Why you should become a SLAIS/ISSIR member
Dr. Luiz Otavio Torres

Oral treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: now they are three

  • Sildenafil – Luiz Otavio Torres
  • Vardenafilo – Sidney Glina
  • Tadalafilo – Guillermo Gueglio


Important topics:

What to do when the oral treatment fails?
Dr. Guillermo Gueglio

Testosterone and aging
Dr. Luiz Otavio Torres

Why should we be concerned with our patients sexual function?
Dr. Sidney Glina
