CME Courses
SLAMS Symposium "Sexual Medicine: Where are we in 2012?"
World Meeting on Sexual Medicine 2012

SLAMS Symposium “Sexual Medicine: Where are we in 2012?”

(in Spanish/Portuguese)
August 26, 2012
Chicago, USA

Invited Societies:



Sidney Glina
Miguel Rivero


Adrián Momesso
Ana Puigvert


Carmita Abdo (Brazil)
Joao Afif Abdo (Brazil)
Edgardo Becher (Argentina)
A. Pepe Cardoso (Portugal)
Adolfo Casabé (Argentina)
Geraldo Faria (Brazil)
Sidney Glina (Brazil)
Celso Gromatzky (Brazil)
Luis Guaiquirián (Venezuela)
Adrián Momesso (Argentina)
Ana Puigvert (España)
Miguel Rivero (Argentina)
Adolfo Rocha Mendes (Portugual)
Eusebio Rubio Aurioles (Mexico)
Isbelia Segnini (Venezuela)
Luiz Otavio Torres (Brazil)
Fernando Uribe (Colombia)

Program (13:00 - 17:00)
13:00 Introduction - Welcome
Sidney Glina
MODULE I: Peyronie’s Disease
Secretary: Adrián Momesso
13:05 Update on Peyronie’s Disease
Celso Gromatzky

Clinical Cases' Presentation

Moderator: Celso Gromatzky


  • Fernando Uribe
  • A. Pepe Cardoso
  • Adolfo Casabé
  • Jorge Rocha Mendes


MODULE II: Female Sexual Dysfunction
Secretary: Isbelia Segnini
14:40 Update on FSD
Carmita Abdo
15:00 Break
15:30 Why aren’t there any specific medications to treat female sexual dysfunctions?
Eusebio Rubio Aurioles
15:50 SLAMS 2012
Sidney Glina
MODULE III: Testosterone and Male Sexuality
Secretary: João Afif Abdo
16:05 Update on Testosterone and Male Sexualidty
Luiz Otavio Torres

Round Table

Testosterone in hypogonadic patients with prostate cancer treated with curative therapy. What do we do in our countries and why?

Moderator: Edgardo Becher


  • Geraldo Faria,
  • Julio Ferrer
  • Luis Guaiquirián
16:55 Closing of the Symposium
Miguel Rivero