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Authors guidelines :: Revista Latinoamericana de Medicina Sexual

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The Latinamerican of Sexual Medicine Journal is an official electronic publication from the Latinamerican Sexual Medicine Society - SLAMS, its aim is to publish papers which study subject is any aspect of human sexuality. The articles content to be published should be of interest of the sexology.

All submissions will be evaluated and reviewed, its publication will depend on the space and relevancy criteria, defined exclusively by the editors and the editorial board. The Latinamerican of Sexual Medicine Journal has the right to reject inappropriate manuscripts, as well to suggest modifications when the editorial board will judge necessary.

After accepted for publication, the manuscript will become this journal property and would not be used without the written consent of Latinamerican of Sexual Medicine Journal.

The authors are unique responsibles for all opinions expressed and don’t reflect the editors opinion.

The manuscripts may be written in form of: original article, up-to-date article, review, mini review, metanalysis, resumed communication, case report, author(s) personal experience, debate, discussion, opinion, in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

To submit an article for one of the next journal editions, follow the next instructions:

  • The texts should be typed in Arial font, size 12, simple space, Word for Windows standard margin, without format.
  • Article title
  • Resumed article title (maximum 70 characters)
  • Author(s) name(s) (maximum 5 authors)
  • The author(s) titles and credits (a brief curriculum with 5 lines), city, country (examples below)

Urologist; Coordinator of the Department of Urology of the San Francisco Hospital; Associated Professor at University of California. Los Angeles, United States of America.

Cardiologist; Professor at Cardiothoracic Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Cairo, Egypt.

  • Complete information for contact: complete correspondence address, telephone and fax numbers, and the main author’s email address.
  • Main author’s colored photo (from 200 to 300 dpi resolution), sent separately.
  • Abstract in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Must contain: aims, methods, results, and conclusions:

original article, up-to-date article, review, mini review, metanalysis (250 word limit);

resumed communication, case report, author(s) personal experience, debate, discussion (150 word limit).

  • Keywords in Portuguese, Spanish, and English (3 to 5); which can be obtained in Medical Subject Headings (MeSh) do Index Medicus (
  • The manuscript may be presented in accord with the specifications in format: original article, up-to-date article, review, mini review, metanalysis, resumed communication, case report, author(s) personal experience, debate, discussion, opinion.
  • Figures in digital format with the best resolution and quality possible (maximum measure 22,5 cm width), numbered and identified, should be sent as a separate file. The list of legends should be placed in the article file, in one page, after the bibliographic references. Is indispensable to mention the authors source, with the publication year (list them in the bibliographic references), or if they were elaborated by the article authors. The journal has the right to refuse the figures without quality or improper, as well when the article has included an excessive number of figures.
  • Tables should have a resumed format. Must be numbered with Arabic numeral, independently of the figures, cited in text in consecutive order, and presented with their respective titles. Is indispensable to mention the authors source with the publication year (list them in the bibliographic references), or if they were elaborated by the article authors.
  • All articles must be accompanied by:

A presentation letter, signed by all authors. This letter must state that the article and/or investigation was carried out in accordance with the ethical standards, and with copyright assignment to Revista Latinoamericana de Medicina Sexual – ReLaMS.

In case of investigation: that the study had been reviewed and approved by a certified Ethical Board or Committee on Human or Animal subjects; free and informed consent term when investigation involving human beings.

Non conflict of interest declaration of authors.

  • The manuscripts should be sent in Word and PDF format
  • Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent by e-mail with attached text files and figures to:
  • The main author will be the responsible for the correspondence and will be the one who will receive all communications and the article’s PDF.
  • The authors will be notified the receipt and approval of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts printed will not be accepted.




  • Original papers: must follow the sequence: Introduction, Aims, Material and Methods, Main outcome measures, Results, Discussion/Conclusions and References; no more than 4,000 words in length (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), 50 references limit.
  • Should be presented with introduction, development of the subject, conclusion, and references:

Review and up-to-date articles, no more than 5,000 words in length (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), 100 references limit.

Short review, no more than 3,000 words in length, 50 references limit.

  • Case reports should present: introduction, case description, discussion, and conclusion (3,000 words length, excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), 50 references limit.
  • Free sequence, however, maintaining the scientific objectivity:

Metanalysis: no more than 4,000 words length (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), unlimited number of references .

Resumed communication: no more than 1,500 words length (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), 10 references limit.

Personal experience, debate, discussion: no more than 3,000 words length (excluding abstract, references, tables, and figures), 50 references limit.

  • Opinions panel is meant for publication, in several areas in Sexuality, since diagnostic and therapeutic news to current application (drugs). Is aimed to comment or discuss their point of view and/or published papers in this or in others journals, or expressed opinions by authors in this same Panel session. No more than 300 words, without or with (maximum 5) references.



Abbreviations should be avoided, and when necessary must be specified when first time mentioned. Unusual expressions may not be used.


Foreign words should be in italic, except in the references.


Footnotes should be avoided, and when necessary must be indicated with Arabic numerals in the text and listed, after the references, in separate page, entitled “Notes”.


The attachments should be presented in one page after the references. Use them only if absolutely indispensable for the text comprehension.


The citations should be identified in the text by the author’s surname (Silva, 1996), or by an organization’s name (OMS, 2010), followed by document publication year; en case of two authors, use the conjunction “and” (Tan and Ng, 1999); more than two use “et al.” (Abdo et al., 1997). Several authors in the same citation, organize them by date order, from older to recent, more than one author in the same year, organize them by alphabetic order (Grazziottin and Giraldi, 2006; Círico, 2007; Gotardo, 2007; Palma and Portugal, 2009). Don’t use numbers, example: “in the study the risk factor more prevalent was diabetes (1)”.

A literal citation of a text should be written between “commas” and the page number from where was copied, cited. Untill three lines will be in the same sentence, more than three lines, in a new paragraph.

Old works citations that were reedited should present the original year of publication and the year of the publication it was consulted.

Citations of works that weren’t consulted, mention “apud”, example: In accord to Kinsey (1953, apud Kaplan, 1977) and list the publication in the references.


References are to be organized in alphabetical order, by the main author last surname, followed by the initials of their name or the organizations. The publications titles should remain in the original language. The presentation should be based on the format denominated “Vancouver Style”, in according to examples showed bellow. The journals titles should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus style, from the National Library of Medicine available at:

Do not include unpublished material and personal communications in the reference list. If necessary, is recommended to mention them only in the text.

For all references, cite all authors.


Journal articles
Tobo PR, Barbosa AS, Barbosa LG, Spinola-Castro AM, Moreira-Filho CA. Three novel mutations in the androgen receptor gene associated with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome: H570R, G589E and S759T. Einstein. 2003;1(1):1-3.


Electronic journal articles
Babcoc HM, Fraser V. Clinical experience with linezolid: A case series of 53 patients. Infect Dis Clin Pract [Internet]. 2003 [acessed 2003 Feb 18];11(4):[20 p.]. Available at:


Ratnoff OD, Forbes Ch D. Disorders of hemostasis. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1996.


Chapters in Books
Marcus AJ. Platelets and their disorders. In: Ratnoff OD, Forbes Ch D (ed.). Disorders of hemostasis. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1996. p.79-137.


Papers presented in congresses
Mioni G, Vallone C, Franzon R, Messa P. Hypercloremic acidosis and base balanced in renal transplant [abstract]. Kidney Int. 1993;44(6):1397. [Presented at 34th. Congress of the Italian Society of Nephrology; 1993 May 18-22; Pisa, Italy].


Ramos MLT. Avaliação das análises ergonômicas em home care para idoso publicadas na literatura médica de 1980 a 2001 [tesis]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2001.


Will be accepted the following contributions: non medical subjects, but with interest for the Sexuality area; poetry; humor texts and illustrations; sculptures and paintings created by authors; announcements of events to be realized. The images should be sent with resolution of 200 to 300 dpi.


Sociedad Latinoamericana de Medicina Sexual - SLAMS