Latinamerican Society for Sexual and Impotence
Research - SLAIS
Executive Committee (2003 - 2005) |
President |
Luiz Otavio Torres |
Secretary General |
Miguel Alfredo Rivero |
Treasurer |
Geraldo Faria |
Executive Committee |
Luis Quinzaños Sordo |
Mauricio Delgado |
Osvaldo Mazza |
Alberto Tejada Noriega |
Ex Oficio |
Fernando Ugarte y Romano |
Edgardo Becher |
Sidney Glina |
VIII SLAIS Congress Authorities |
President |
Miguel Alfredo Rivero |
Treasurer |
Geraldo Faria |
Scientific Coordinators |
Edgardo Becher |
Sidney Glina |
Luiz Otavio Torres |
Scientific Committee |
Coordinator |
Amado Bechara |
Members |
Hugo Dávila |
Gerson Lopes |
Miguel Alfredo Rivero |
Mariano Sotomayor |
Claudio Telöken |
Local Committee |
Director |
Ricardo Decia |
Members |
Teresita Blanco Lanzillotti |
Gastón Boero |
Raúl Cepellini Olmos |
Jorge Di Iorio |
Germán Goyeneche |
Luis Lorenzo Pestano |
Levin Martinez Carrancio |
Carlos Moreira |
Renzo Puppi |
Luis Topolansky |
Local Secretary |
Sr. Fernando Gereda |
Meeting Coordinator |
Pilar Signori |
Declared of National Interest by the Presidency of Uruguay (Resolution 30/2005 - February 18th., 2005)
Declared of Interest by the Ministry of Health of Uruguay
(Ministerial Ordinance 3, January 3, 2005)
Declarado de Interés Ministerial por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de la República Oriental del Uruguay
Declarado de Interés Turístico por el Ministerio de Turismo, Secretaría de Estado de la República Oriental del Uruguay (15 de marzo de 2005).
Declarado de Interés Departamental de la Intendencia de Maldonado - (Expediente Nº704202 - March 29, 2005)
Confederación Americana de Urología (CAU)
Council of the College of Medicine, Universidad de La República , Uruguay
School of Graduates, College of Medicine, Universidad de La República. Montevideo, Uruguay
Society of Urology of Uruguay
Society of Tocogynecology of Uruguay
Professorship of Urology - Hospital de Clínicas, Montevideo, Uruguay
Society of Tocogyencology of the Provincial State of Uruguay
Society of Sexology of Uruguay
Society of Psychiatry of Uruguay
Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology of Uruguay (SOMPU)