Invitation to SLAIS 2005

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the Latin American Society for Sexual and Impotence Research Executive Committee and the VIII SLAIS Congress we cordially welcome you to Punta del Este.

We are waiting for you with a magnific combination: On one hand a highly attractive scientific programme which was carefully prepared in each of its details. The topics are of current interest and cover all the areas of the modern Sexual Medicine.

Symposia, Interactive Sessions, Conferences, Workshops, Round Tables and even a Humor Session have been dynamically integrated so as to allow all colleagues to participate and take advantage of all these activities according to their main interests. The scientific papers to be presented (Oral Presentations, Posters and Videos) have been selected by a Latin American Revision Committee –peer review– among all the submitted abstracts and will be published in the supplement of The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Also, the best submitted papers will be awarded.

On the other hand, Punta del Este is a privileged city for its nature and its extremely hospitable and warm people. It is also a perfect place to hold such kind of meetings having received us with all the support and willingness to organize this Congress. The national and local Uruguayan authorities, at all levels, understood our intentions and have granted all the necessary backup to facilitate the achievement of our objectives. Our Congress being declared of National Interest by the Presidency of Uruguay has honoured our Society.

We would like to thank everyone, absolutely everyone, who in many ways has contributed to the success of the VIII SLAIS Congress: naming each and one of them would be impossible without the risk of involuntary oversight.

Friends, colleagues and family of SLAIS, it’s our wish that this VIII SLAIS Congress will be a true Latin American meeting of science and friendship.

Warm regards and enjoy the meeting!

Miguel Alfredo Rivero
Presidente / President
VIII Congreso SLAIS 2005

Luiz Otavio Torres
Presidente / President