

Latin American Society for Sexual Medicine

Presentación de Trabajos - Resúmen

Pharmacogenomic identify over-regulation expression of natriuretic peptide receptor-1 gene, in the rat’s corpus cavernous in penile erection.

Andrade, E(1); Andrade, P(1); Villanova, F(1); Leite, K(1); Kaufmann, O(1); Paranhos, M(1); Claro, J(1); Cortez, Í(1); Messina, L(1); Srougi, M(1)

(1)Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Urologia, Setor de Medicina Sexual.

Introduction and Objective: The natriuretic peptide receptor-1 (NPR1), modulate the erectile smooth muscle tone of penis by augmentation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) production via particulate guanylyl cyclase (GC). The drug inhibiting phosphodiesterase - type 5, specially the tadalafila, has provided the most important advanced treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) in the last years. In the present study, our aim was to differentially identify expressions of genes involved in tadalafila actions at the penile tissue. Looking to verify if the tadalafila it has stimulation of the expression of the NPR1, in the cavernous tissue.
Methods: Twenty-two adult rats were divided in two groups: I - control and II - treated with the tadalafila drug. Total RNA was isolated from penile tissue, it was analyzed by microarray the gene expression by methodology microarray of cDNA.
Results: A total of 153 candidate genes were shown to differential express in groups I and II. We validated microarray results by RT-PCR with gene NPR1, that was demonstrated to be significantly over-expression in group II (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The gene reported here should provide new marker that may contribute to the detection of target tadalafila molecular action. This study may also aid the development of new approaches to therapeutics intervention of ED. The results indicate a role for NPR1 and its receptor in the induction of penile erection and its possible future therapeutic use for erectile dysfunction.