Introduction and Objective: Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is of high prevalence with an impact on self-esteem, confidence and well-being. For this reason, we conducted a research to evaluate how FSD affected the male sexual response. Material and Method: From June 2005 to July 2006, 213 women who have been in a stable relationship for at least 6 months and consulted on FSD were asked to bring her partner to the office in order to improve the diagnosis and therapeutic approach and to answer the International Index for Erectil Function (IIEF) and a Global Assessment Question (GAQ) about their feeling with their ejaculatory response. The mean age was of 39.5 (18-72) in the women group and 45.5 (25-74) in the male group Results: 68 males (32%) suffered from sexual dysfunction (SD). 46% from premature ejaculation (PE) ; 41% from erectile dysfunction (ED) and 13% from both. 60% of the men with SD whose couples suffered from hypoactive desire syndrome, suffered from PE and 40% from ED. Out of the group of women with orgasm disorder whose couple had SD, 70% suffered from PE and 30% ED. Conclusion: FSD possibly affects male sexual response. One third of the partners who consulted on FSD presented SD. The diagnosis and therapeutic approach should be a rule in both members of the couple due to SD affect the sexual life in men and women. Split the diagnostic approach probably has low benefit. Key words: sexual dysfunction, female, males, couples